All parents are automatically members of the


The Committee consists of a number of elected members who meet with School representatives to plan exciting opportunities for all of the children during the year. A key function of the FTCA is to raise funds to support the needs of the School. It also provides opportunities for children and their families to enjoy such as the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete.

School discos for the older children are a regular feature on the calendar which the children enjoy. Younger children have benefited from pantomimes, a Circus visit, play equipment etc.

Some of our recent expenditure has focused on supplying new play apparatus on the back field, providing whiteboards in some of the classrooms and wet play boxes for all Classes.

We look forward to working with you in the future and always welcome new ideas.

Please contact us via the School Office if you wish to discuss anything further or email us at ftca@outlook.com We also have our own Facebook page.